Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Creston & Fortune Apples

Both of these sacks are at Horse Listener Orchard in Ashford, Connecticut. It's a nice off the beaten path new orchard.

Both of these varieties are quite new.  The Creston came out in about 1998. It's a mix of Golden Delicious and a nameless test apple NJ 381049. It's similar to Jobnagold but firmer. Fortune was developed in 1997 It's a cross between a Red Spy (aka Schoharie Spy) and a Empire.

Saturday, October 01, 2011


so·journ (sjûrn, s-jûrn) n. To reside temporarily; a brief period of residence.
Dates to the late 13th century from Old French sojorner "stay or dwell for a time. 

In this  case a travel guide for that quiet nook on the Hudson River south of Poughkeepsie and north of New York City. It's apple country, and they are certainly in season.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Stark Jumbo

An Amish man with a nameless family farm was selling these at a farmers market. I was familiar with three of the four. the new one was the Stark Jumbo which turns out to be a real oddity. It can weigh over 2 lbs and be 160+ inches in diameter. It is a new variety that originates with Stark Bros Nurseries in Missouri. They have discontinued it already so if you want to grow them, you'll have to make cuttings form the few that already have. More here.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Big Red Apple of Cornelia

On the back side of the post card it reads "Eat Georgia Apples. Gobble them." the image is of a real monument in the very real town of Cornelia Georgia. The Big Red Apple atop the pedestal weighs 5,200 pounds and is 7 feet tall.  It was built in 1925 after the end of WWI simply to pay homage to the apple and apple growers of Cornelia. More here.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Northland Apples

Off season, but sweet and very welcome. A pint of Northland Apple Cider from  Ricker Hill Orchards in Turner Maine.Their website lists Baldwins, Wealthy, Duchess, Black Oxford, Yellow Transparent, and Northern Spys all on their U-Pick varieties in the Fall. I'll have to visit them in about seven months.  Yellow Transparents actually come due in July. they are a particularly cinematic apple, being waxy in appearance and ghostly pale. I've wanted to try one for years.